This was a post I pulled from the Susan Komen website boards. It has some great information regarding anti-cancer fighting foods and eating healthy in general. Some of it we already know and have heard before, but some of it for me was new information. I thought I would post it on my blog this morning.
I recently had a great nutrition consult at a big medical center/cancer center with a dietician who has a special interest in breast cancer. Thought I would pass along some of her recommendations. A lot of it is common sense, but it always means more to me when an expert reminds me it could help prevent a recurrence!
AIM FOR 7+ FRUITS/VEGGIES EACH DAY. Include at least one from each of these groups daily.
Cruciferous veggies: broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussel sprouts
Lycopene-rich produce: tomatoes, watermelon
Beta-carotene rich: sweet ptotatoes, carrots, pumpkin, winter squash
CITRUS: whole orange rather than juice
BERRIES: especially blueberries
DARK GREEN LEAFY VEGGIES: spinach, kale, collards, romaineRefer to dirty dozen list and try to buy those organic
3-6 SERVINGS WHOLE GRAINS DAILY:brown rice, whole wheat pasta, 100% whole wheat bread and bagels, quinoa, oatmeal, whole grain crackers, cereals.
INCREASE FIBER:whole grains as above, plus beans daily. Bread should have at least 2 grams fiber/slice and cereal at least 4 grams/fiber. Fiber might help lower estrogen levels and is good source of vitamins and minerals that lower overall cancer risk.
MINIMIZE ANIMAL PRODUCTS:Aim for plant based protein sources like beans. All meat should be organic and chicken is better than beef. Avoid cured or smoked foods containing nitrates/nitrites. Fish is good- esp. salmon, trout, mackeral, albacore tuna, and sardines. Eggs should be from free range, unmedicated chickens.
MINIMIZE ALCOHOL:3/4 - 1 drink daily increases risk by 9%. 2 or more drinks daily increases risk up to 41%. If you do drink, make sure you get at least 300 micrograms of folate daily which will decrease risk somewhat. Folate rich foods include spinach, orange juice, fortified cereals, beans.
CHOOSE HEALTHIER FATS:Avoid trans fats - hard stick margarine, Crisco, fried chips, french fries, store bought baked goods. Reduce saturated fats: cheese, butter, ice cream, processed foods. Use monounsaturated oils: EVOO, canola oil, olive and canola based cooking sprays. Nuts, esp. walnuts and almonds are a good source of plant protein, fiber, and healthy fats- but watch portion size as they are caloric. Almond butter is great.
MINIMIZE DAIRY:There is some evidence that the insulin growth factor present in dairy (not added, it comes straight from the cow) can contribute to hormonal cancers like breast and prostate. She likes rice, oat, and hemp milk (???). Cheese is the worst dairy as it is so high in fat and has a higher concentration of IGF. In moderation, organic low fat dairy is ok - esp. yogurt. Hard to get enough calcium though without dairy. Definitely splurge on organic for dairy though to avoid the hormones they give cows to increase milk production.
DRINK 4 cups of green tea daily. High in EGCG which in the lab has been shown to inhibit breast cancer growth.
EAT 1-2 cloves garlic daily if tolerated. Contains diallyl sulfide, a tumor suppressor.
INCREASE WATER INTAKE: At least 48oz. daily. Invest in fliter that removes lead, flouride, chlorine. Other tips- whole fruit always better than juice. If need juice, best is pomegranate, tart cherry. Vitamin D is rally important- get about 15 minutes of early morning or late day sun with no sunscreen and gets levels checked regularly. Supplement if low.
Super foods:beans, broccoli, cabbage, garlic, salmon, EVOO, almonds, walnuts, avocado, blueberries, oatmeal. I'll update as I remember more- I still have tons<