Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy 2009!
John and I ventured out last night for the first time in several years. We went to some friends' house for dinner. We were home by 11:50 and in bed by midnight. I think I am getting old!

Another year ahead. I can honestly say that 2008 was probably the worst year of my life and I am positive that I will have a healthy 2009. I will have 2 major upcoming surgeries this year (replacement of my lost soft tissue expander and then the final implant swap)and 2 smaller surgeries, nipple reconstruction and tattooing. Yes, I said tattoing. I have always secretly wanted a tattoo (please don't tell my mother, she would be mortified), but really never wanted one on one of my boobs. LOL My plastic surgeon said he does not want to start anything until I was feeling really good after my last chemo (which will be the end of January). Tomorrow I start the year out with a bang and go for chemo #3.

I ran into an old friend today that I have not seen in several years. We chatted for quite awhile. It seemed like we had never lost touch. Both of our lives have changed dramatically in the past several years. I know that what I have gone through has changed me as a person. After talking with her, I knew that she had also changed as a person because of her past experiences. Yet as friends, it was still the same old, same old. You can pick up where you left off. That is what is so great about friends! It honestly made my day to run into her and share our lives for a few minutes (well actually it was about 30-40 minutes LOL)

I have a short update on Sunny. As you can see from the above photo she has been able to get around outside in the yard now that all the snow has melted! She has really sort of perked up now that she is able to get out more. She loves to run the boundary of the yard and smell the scents outside. She is still walking only on 3 legs and I doubt she will ever use her bad leg again. She seems to be doing okay right now. She is getting thin so we are spoiling her rotten with all kinds of good food to try and keep some weight on her. She loves tater tot casserole!

We got a call from our breeder that the puppies we have been waiting for were born on Saturday! The dog had 6 females and 4 males so we will have a choice of 2 females to pick from (we are 5th pick for females). We are going out to see them next weekend. Now we need to think about puppy proofing the house. We are all excited to get a new pup in the house, but we are arguing about the name. Natalie does not particularly like the name we are considering. John said that Natalie has no say in the name what so ever because she has never picked up a pile of poop from the yard from Sunny. LOL We will see who wins this argument.

I hope that all of you have a happy and healthy 2009!!!!

1 comment:

Linda Mulholland said...

Happy New Year Gail!!

Good to see Sunny enjoying the yard and smells. :)

2009 will be a great year and we have to start thinking about that cabin trip to Door County in the late spring - I will email you some photos I found yesterday from our last trip for inspiration!:)