Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I am free and clear with my oncologist for 3 months. I am now currently taking Tamoxifen for the next 5 years. What you ask is tamoxifen? My particular breast cancer is estrogen postive and progesterone negative, meaning the cancer is fueled by estrogen and taking tamoxifen will reduce the risk of cancer coming back. Unfortunately I am joining the ranks of the pill takers, those who have to put their pills in those little plastic containers that are labeled with the days of the week. I am also taking some vitamin supplements along with the tamoxifen and because I am terrible at taking pills, I need to have them all divided up for the week to remind me to take them on a regular basis. Now if only I remember to fill up the little pill container. LOL
Tamoxifen information from chemocare.com

Drug type: Tamoxifen is a hormone therapy. This medication is classified as an "anti-estrogen." (For more detail, see "How this drug works" section below).

What this drug is used for:

* Tamoxifen may be given as adjuvant therapy (treatment after successful surgery) in women or men with lymph node negative or lymph node positive breast cancer. Cancers with positive estrogen and progesterone receptors are more likely to benefit from tamoxifen. Tamoxifen reduces the risk of getting breast cancer in the opposite breast.
* Tamoxifen may be prescribed in metastatic (cancer that has spread) breast cancer in both women and men.
* Tamoxifen may be prescribed in women with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) who have completed surgery and radiation therapy. Tamoxifen may reduce the risk of invasive breast cancer. Risks and benefits of tamoxifen therapy should be discussed
this setting.
* Tamoxifen may be prescribed for women at high risk of breast cancer to reduce the incidence of developing breast cancer. Risks and benefits of tamoxifen therapy should be discussed in this setting.
* Tamoxifen may also be prescribed for treatment of ovarian cancer.
Note: If a drug has been approved for one use, physicians may elect to use this same drug for other problems if they believe it may be helpful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very informative again Gail, Love the picture of the plate licker :) Debbie